丰翔路与南大路双TOD 宝藏生活地保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑除此之外,在保利·海上瑧悦的20分钟生活圈内,还能够享受到万象系商业、山姆会员超市、上海大学附属学校、丰翔路和南大路双TOD等诸多优质城市配套,这些资源也赋予了保利·海上瑧悦极高的生活便利性。近期总投资超60亿元的26个项目集中落地区域内,将带来极大的辐射效应!
保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑在保利·海上瑧悦,从门到堂,从厅到园,都在讲述着当代中国的故事。五进礼序,就像是贵族的高规格生活,每个细节都是精心定制和打造的,舒适感与品味感拉满。双门头长达100米,阔绰无敌!从小区入户空间开始,就能洞悉东方门第独有的千年风雅。在保利·海上瑧悦,仪制化的门头+车马集院,形成长达约100米的社区门户,落客于此,人车分流,形成归家的第一道礼序。保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑在中国传统文化中,门庭是家族、家族地位和荣耀的象征。一个宽敞、气派的门庭,不仅能够彰显家族的实力和地位,更能够传递出家族的气韵和风范。保利·海上瑧悦定制35米东方奢阔归家门庭,其奢华的尺度与艺术气质,直线拉升入户体验。双豪华的大堂,星级酒店礼遇!保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑入户大堂真是美呆了!它巧妙地把中式元素挑檐与香槟金型材金石嵌套融合在一起,观感既奢华又内敛。并运用国画里的框景手法,还有古铜材质和现代艺术玻璃元素结合的创新设计豆形灯!整个空间就显得既有东方礼仪感,又有深厚的文化底蕴!地下入户 高定酒店元素地下一层入户大堂参考深圳湾安达仕酒店的设计理念,同时增设人脸识别预约呼梯功能,高级感满满。五进礼序 演绎雅仕精神保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑自门堂的气度与尊贵归家体验伊始,东方的雅致礼序已经慢慢延展开来。门庭礼院—丹华水院—山水隐园—山林雅筑—雅苑归境,五进礼序,五重意境
文化解构 东方意境营造保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑保利对文化的深刻理解和精心打造,不仅体现在住宅的设计与建造上,更是在园林景观的构思与实现中展现得淋漓尽致。整整1000㎡水系!堪称人造小湖泊保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑水系景观真是让人眼前一亮!项目将古代园林的精髓融入现代设计,借鉴古代园林的经典元素,如张园引水入园的巧妙构思,将一条长约200米、面积近1000㎡的灵动水系贯穿整个社区,且这个水系的设计十分巧妙,有静水、跌水、瀑布等多种多样的水景,感觉就像是生活在画中一样!8000㎡中央园林,巨型绿意画卷!借鉴刘松年的《溪山雪意图》中的画理手法,项目打造出近8000㎡的中央园林,通过平远、深远、高远的层次变化,极有东方园林的意境深远的美,就像走在画中,每一步看到的景色都不一样。绝美青绿色彩!!简直美不胜收保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑项目在色彩运用上真的很有一套!巧妙地采用了《千里江山图》中的青绿色彩,作为点缀整个社区的主要色调。这种色彩的运用不仅呼应了东方园林的古典之美,同时也符合现代审美的趋势,感觉传统和现代在这里完美结合。高定选材 比肩千万豪宅项目中的选材标准,堪比千万级豪宅的高定级别,彰显了保利对于品质生活的不懈承诺。例如,项目中使用的黑山石,与历史上著名的圆明园中的石材如出一辙,这种石材的选用不仅体现了对历史的尊重,更彰显了对自然美的独到理解。全手工匠造约8000枚蟒水纹贴片 匠心令人佩服!保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑每一片都蕴含着工匠的心血和对细节的极致追求。园林植被的甄选更是体现了项目的执着与耐心。
投入不计成本,造价高达5000万!园林师历时90余天,行程近8000公里,跨越全国9个省份,只为寻找最符合东方园林精神的植被,为居住者提供了一个如诗如画的生活环境。街角花园小仙境 实景美炸!保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑项目的东方高定气质,已经实景亮相,视角直观感受的雅致生活氛围。保利·海上瑧悦在社区中主动地进行红线退让,打造出可供居者交流放松的街角花园,在生长的自然之间休憩散步,还有卡座、平衡梯等多个休憩空间,倾心打造一个全龄共享的社区生活空间。经得起推敲的产品力户型懂生活的品质精装 领衔向往!保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑向来以产品实力派著称的保利,在产品上的表现自然不俗。项目二期推出建面约99-130 ㎡的户型不仅方正朝南、采光出色,空间场景的使用功能也极具亮点。其明星三房产品,每个房间都能当卧室用,家庭生活全能王,可谓中环的宝藏之选,如此好产品与好机会,值得趁早把握!两大改善进阶产品标杆
全德系装标,品质杠杠的!保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑在精装选型上,保利严选【高仪】【唯宝】等以严苛工艺著称的德系精装品牌;三大件采用日立(或同等品牌,以实际交付为准)中央空调、地暖和新风。方太高端系厨房三件套, 科技感拉满厨房精装产品的使用上,保利精选方太高端系三件套,有效解决中式烹饪过程的油烟烦恼,例如面材采用防油膜更便于清洁 ;手势开机模式令烹饪更便利,定制更适合东方家庭的幸福智慧厨房。全维架空空间备受孩子喜爱的生活小宇宙!保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334看房请务必致电与销售确认时间,避免空跑实景直击人心的,还有保利·海上瑧悦的架空空间。通过“动+静”的交互设计,为儿童与家长自然共生的情感交流区域。针对儿童的不同兴趣,分区打造体能测试、儿童游乐、八点半课堂的动区,以及涵盖阅读空间、益智科普、休憩空间的静区。
上海保利·海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!5.5 million chance to get on the Central Ring Road!! More brand new life experience+500 meter subway ace commuting experience, who wouldn't be tempted?! A cup of tea is enough to achieve fast commuting, making it a treasure trove of good news for urban commuting!Not to mention the hardcore Eastern gardens crafted with a lot of money, having an interior is more prestigious!Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative when viewing the house, to avoid the explosive popularity of the "phenomenon level" hot plate caused by empty running. There must be an inherent logic behind it. And what is the value code behind the popular sales of Poly Ocean Joy?Simply talk about the seven best-selling passwords:1. Central is always hot: Currently popular in the Nanda area, staying in Central for 55000 yuan and enjoying the nearby city center area!2. Hard core and luxurious supporting facilities: 500 meter subway, pedestrian grade Vientiane commercial, double TOD within one kilometer, enjoying a bustling life3. Popular Park Collections: With the blessing of dual parks at your doorstep, you can enjoy the life of "seeing green through the windows"4. Strong brand support: Poly, one of the top 100 real estate enterprises in China, with a brand value of 100 billion yuan and unquestionable quality5. Rare cultural products: North Central to the beautiful garden, full of homecoming etiquette, enjoy storefront life, and achieve superior improvement!6. First line quality decoration label: Super product oriented unit, star three bedroom products, selected German high-end decoration brands7. Luxury life for all ages: The elevated floor with dynamic and static dual line planning provides a more comfortable living space for all agesGolden Central continues to be hot and bustlingGood location is the hard truth!As the first new house to enter the market in the southern sector next to the Central Ring Road, Poly Ocean Yuet can be said to have an absolute advantage.Poly Ocean Joy Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the salesperson to avoid running around. Firstly, the distance to the city center is closer. Poly Ocean Joy is only about 3.5km away from Central, so the value of urban resources you can enjoy is naturally more abundant;Poly · Haihai Yingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the sales time to avoid empty runs. Secondly, the average price of the three batches is 60700 yuan/square meter, which is difficult to find throughout Central. The new houses on the same ring road, Putuo Taopu New House, Minhang Gumei New House, Pudong Zhangjiabang New House, Caohejing Second hand House, and Qiantan Second hand House have reached 85500 yuan/square meter, 85800 yuan/square meter, 105000 yuan/square meter, 115000 yuan/square meter, and 150000 yuan/square meter, respectively. This is a rare opportunity for property buyers. The southern region has seen three consecutive price increases, making it a true potential stock along the Central Ring Road!Poly Ocean Joy can only get on the train for 5.5 million yuan next to Central, and it is almost the last golden opportunity to get on the train for the total price range of 5.5 million yuan, with a double TOD new house on the main subway!It can be said that the last golden value depression in Shanghai is undoubtedly Central South University.Hard core premium matchingAbout 500 meters of subway, with a strong fan base!In addition to its hardcore product strength, Poly's lifestyle amenities are also impeccable!!Double track intersection of Line 15&22 (under planning)Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative to avoid running emptyLocated about 500 meters away from Fengxiang Road Station on Metro Line 15, and planned for Line 22, it is a real subway station next to Central. The superior regional space not only brings a considerable premium space to Poly Ocean Joy, but also enhances commuting efficiency and great sense of life happiness.Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative to avoid running emptyWalk up to the Vientiane commercial district and enjoy three times the bustling lifestyle of Taikoo Li!Fengxiang Road and Nanda Road Double TOD Treasure Living AreaPoly Ocean Joy Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the salesperson to avoid running around. In addition, within the 20 minute living circle of Poly Ocean Joy, you can also enjoy many high-quality city amenities such as Wanxiang Commercial, Sam's Club Supermarket, Shanghai University Affiliated School, Fengxiang Road and Nanda Road Double TOD. These resources also give Poly Ocean Joy extremely high living convenience. The concentrated landing of 26 projects with a total investment of over 6 billion yuan in the recent period will bring great radiation effects!Hot selling password 03/The Double Parks at our doorstep are highly favored!Poetic meaning can be reached with every step!As soon as you go out, Nanjing University Ecological Green SpacePoly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call the sales department to confirm the time and avoid running around. "Livable" is one of the main keywords in Nanjing University's planning. At present, the planned green space area of Nanda Smart City has reached about 261 hectares, nearly 1.8 times that of Century Park, with a total of 40+planned parks. In the future, it will be built into one of the ten wedge-shaped green spaces in Shanghai center's central urban area. Among them, the Nanda Park, which covers an area of about 14 hectares, and the ongoing construction of about 300 acres of Nanda Central Park, are adjacent to Poly Haihai Yuet. It can be said that the supporting facilities of the two parks are a unique landscape advantage of Poly Haihai Yuet, and they are a wide view collection of the two parks next to the central ring that can rival millions of luxury homes.Poly Ocean Joy Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the salesperson to avoid an unparalleled geographical location - the convenient connection of the 500 meter subway, the heavyweight supporting facilities of the double TOD, and the ultimate enjoyment of the double parks make Poly Ocean Joy a popular choice on the hot land of Nanjing University.Strong brand strengthThe quality is reassuring!Poly Ocean Joy Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales team to avoid empty running. As a leading state-owned enterprise, Poly not only has strong strength, but also has a steady pace! Over the past 20 years of deep cultivation in Shanghai, we have been dedicated to producing products and winning a solid reputation! Now, coinciding with Poly's 20th anniversary product year, this time we have devoted ourselves to creating a Shanghai style Eastern aesthetic, showcasing a differentiated style that is refreshing!On the product line of "Yue Zi Series" Oriental Aesthetics, Poly has established four sub brands: Puyue, Langyue, Jingyue, and Tangyue! Poly Ocean Joy is the first appearance of the Joy brand in Shanghai and even across the country! Throughout history, pioneering works often pour all their product strength and brand value into them! To do it, one must do it to the extreme! No cost spared, even beyond the budget!A rare cultural luxury mansion in Central!The heat is on the charts! Crazy snatch!Poly Ocean Joy Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative to avoid running around in Poly Ocean Joy. From door to hall, from hall to garden, it tells the story of contemporary China. The Five Step Ritual Preface is like a high standard life of nobility, with every detail carefully customized and crafted, bringing a sense of comfort and taste.The double door is as long as 100 meters, spacious and invincible!Starting from the entrance space of the residential area, one can gain insight into the unique millennium style of the Oriental family. At Poly · Haihai Joy, the ceremonial doorstep and carriage and horse gathering yard form a community portal that spans about 100 meters. Guests drop off here, and people and vehicles separate, forming the first ritual of returning home.Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call the sales representative to confirm the time and avoid running around. In traditional Chinese culture, the doorstep is a symbol of family, family status, and glory. A spacious and imposing courtyard not only showcases the strength and status of the family, but also conveys the charm and style of the family. Poly Ocean Joy Customized 35 meter Oriental Luxury Home Courtyard, with its luxurious scale and artistic temperament, elevates the indoor experience in a straight line.Double luxurious lobby and star rated hotel amenities!Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative to avoid running into the lobby. It's really beautiful! It cleverly blends Chinese style eaves with champagne gold profiles and stones, creating a luxurious and introverted appearance. And using the framing techniques in traditional Chinese painting, as well as the innovative design of bean shaped lamps combining ancient copper materials and modern art glass elements! The entire space appears to have both an Eastern sense of etiquette and a profound cultural heritage!Elements of High Definition Hotel with Underground EntranceThe entrance lobby on the basement floor follows the design concept of Shenzhen Bay Andes Hotel, and a facial recognition appointment calling function is added, giving it a sense of luxury.The Five Step Ritual Preface Interprets the Spirit of YashiPoly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the salesperson when viewing the house, to avoid running away from the entrance hall and experiencing the luxurious return home experience. From the beginning, the elegant etiquette of the East has gradually expanded. Menting Courtyard - Danhua Water Courtyard - Shanshui Hidden Garden - Mountain and Forest Elegant Architecture - Elegant Garden Returning to the Realm, Five Ritual Prefectures, Five fold Artistic ConceptionCultural deconstruction and creation of Eastern artistic conceptionPoly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative when viewing the house, to avoid running away. Poly's profound understanding and meticulous construction of culture are not only reflected in the design and construction of residential buildings, but also fully demonstrated in the conception and implementation of garden landscapes.A whole 1000 square meter water system! It can be called an artificial small lakePoly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative when viewing the house, to avoid running away. The water system landscape is really eye-catching! The project integrates the essence of ancient gardens into modern design, drawing on classic elements of ancient gardens, such as the clever idea of Zhang Yuan diverting water into the garden. A flexible water system, about 200 meters long and covering an area of nearly 1000 square meters, runs through the entire community. The design of this water system is very clever, with various water features such as still water, falling water, waterfalls, etc. It feels like living in a painting!8000 square meters of central garden, a giant green painting scroll!Drawing inspiration from Liu Songnian's "Intention of Snowy Mountains and Streams", the project has created a central garden covering nearly 8000 square meters. Through the changes in level, depth, and height, it has a profound and beautiful artistic conception of Eastern gardens, just like walking in a painting, the scenery seen at each step is different.Amazing green and green colors!! It's simply breathtakingPoly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative when viewing the property, to avoid running around. The color application of the project is really sophisticated! Cleverly adopting the green and green colors from the "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" as the main color scheme to embellish the entire community. The use of this color not only echoes the classical beauty of Eastern gardens, but also conforms to the trend of modern aesthetics, feeling that tradition and modernity are perfectly combined here.High priced materials comparable to millions of luxury homesThe material selection standards in the project are comparable to the high level of luxury homes worth millions, demonstrating Poly's unwavering commitment to quality living. For example, the Black Mountain stone used in the project is identical to the stone used in the famous Old Summer Palace in history. The selection of this stone not only reflects respect for history, but also demonstrates a unique understanding of natural beauty.The craftsmanship of crafting approximately 8000 python water pattern patches is admirable!Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the salesperson when viewing the house, to avoid running around. Each piece contains the craftsman's hard work and the ultimate pursuit of details. The selection of garden vegetation reflects the project's persistence and patience.Regardless of cost, the cost can reach up to 50 million yuan!The gardener spent over 90 days, covering nearly 8000 kilometers and spanning 9 provinces across the country, searching for the most suitable vegetation that embodies the spirit of Eastern gardens and providing residents with a picturesque living environment.Street corner garden fairyland with stunning scenery!Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales team to avoid the Oriental high-end atmosphere of the empty running project. The real scene has already appeared, and the elegant living atmosphere can be intuitively felt from the perspective. Poly Ocean Joy actively takes the initiative to give way to the red line in the community, creating a corner garden for residents to communicate and relax. It takes a rest and walk between the growing nature, as well as multiple rest spaces such as card seats and balance ladders, dedicated to creating a shared community living space for all ages.A product oriented layout that can withstand scrutinyUnderstanding the quality of life, leading the pursuit of exquisite decoration!Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative when viewing the property, to avoid running around. Poly, which is known for its strong product strength, naturally performs well in the product. The second phase of the project will launch a unit with a building area of approximately 99-130 square meters, which not only faces south and has excellent lighting, but also highlights the use of spatial scenes.Its star three bedroom product, each room can be used as a bedroom, making it the versatile king of family life and the treasure of Central. Such a great product and opportunity are worth seizing early!Two benchmark improvements for advanced productsPoly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative to avoid running emptyEntering the model room, the 99 square meter unit has developed an LDKB integrated space plan, with the kitchen, dining room, and living room connected, providing a sense of transparency that is eye-catching;Poly · Haihai Jingyue Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative when viewing the house, to avoid running around and creating a 130 square meter large apartment. We can see the innovative design of the X versatile space. Here, residents can turn it into a study/piano room, providing themselves with a private space to relax and unwind. At the same time, it can also be expanded to become a super reception hall with a width of about 6.2 meters, extending to a larger social space as much as possible.In addition to the layout, Poly Ocean Joy is also sufficiently hardcore in terms of fine decoration quality. The overall decoration of Poly Ocean Joy adopts Poly's self-developed eight module decoration system. We evaluate it from multiple aspects such as storage, scene, selection, appearance, quality, etc. It can be said that every inch of space can withstand careful consideration.99 square meters with a 2.8 meter long foyer storage cabinet, powerful and practical!Poly Ocean Joy Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. Please make sure to call and confirm the time with the sales representative when viewing the room, to avoid running around and talking about storage. Based on the common functions of users in the foyer scene, Poly Ocean Joy has delivered an ultra long foyer storage cabinet of about 2.8 meters at the foyer. At the same time, Poly Ocean Joy has innovatively created a 900mm double-sided island storage space for kitchen storage, expanding kitchen storage capacity by 30%, which is very rare among products in the same class.